We believe life is meant to be lived with others.
Our Groups take place in trimesters each year:
Locations will be in various homes and locations around town or at GSC.
Leading a Group
For those regularly attend GSC, you can lead a Connection Group. The purpose is to develop relationships by intentionally involving ourselves in others’ lives.
Submit your group idea on the church website. New Group Leaders will meet with leadership for an overview of Group Leader expectations.
If leading a group, the submission deadline for each trimester is:
- 1st Trimester – December 30th
- 2nd Trimester – April 28th
- 3rd Trimester – July 28th
Joining a Group
Do you want to be a part of a group this next quarter?
We have several types of groups, from hobby-based hangouts, to Bible studies, to classes for stages of life. You can also sign up to serve in different ministries!
You can sign up each quarter at Rally Day or right here on our website.
First, look at our current Directory of Connection Groups and Serve team Groups, then sign up using the form below.